Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan

Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan

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Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan: Balanced nutrition is essential for an individual’s health and well-being. Imbalanced nutrition refers to either nutrition that is more or less than the body’s needs and metabolic needs.

An imbalanced nutrition nursing care plan serves as a guide for any healthcare professionals to address the vital issue of nutritional imbalances in patients. This nursing care plan is a blueprint for nurses which includes key components like nutritional assessment, risk factors, patient needs, etc. In this nursing care plan and management guide, learn how to provide care for a patient with nutrition-imbalanced deficits.

Imbalanced Nursing Care Plan Details

Care Plan Imbalanced Nutrition
Causes Age-Related Changes in Taste, Smell, and Appetite
Care Plan For GNM & BSc Nursing
Nursing Plans Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Care Plan Include Nutritional Assessments, Identification of Risk Factors, and Patient’s Needs

What is A Nursing Care Plan For Imbalanced Nutrition?

An imbalanced nutrition nursing care plan is a blueprint for any healthcare professional. This care plan provides a systematic approach to assessing, diagnosing, and implementing intervention for individuals experiencing imbalanced nutrition. It acts as a roadmap for nurses to navigate the complexities of nutritional imbalances and allows for personalized care.

01. Assessment: This involves gathering information related to the patient’s dietary habits, medical history, and other health conditions that contribute to nutritional imbalances.

02. Nursing Diagnoses: Based on the assessment, identify nursing diagnoses related to imbalanced nutrition. This involves categorizing the patient’s nutritional status like inadequate intake, excessive intake, etc.

03. Nursing Interventions: This may include nutritional counseling, dietary modifications, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

04. Implementation: This involves closely observing the patient’s response to the intervention and adjusting the plan as required.

Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan Example

In this part, you will find a detailed overview of a nursing care plan for imbalanced nutrition and its diagnosis.

Patient’s Name Sultan Reed
Birthday 3rd November 1983
Age 40 Years
Sex Male
Height & Weight 155 cm & 167.5 lbs

Example: A 40-year-old man is admitted and appears weak and drowsy. The patient does not eat much food. After a nursing intervention, it was realized that the old man was suffering from impaired nutrition.

Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Goal Nursing Intervention Rationales Evaluation
Subjective Date: The patient says “I always feel weak and tired.”

Objective Date: The nurse observed that the patient has lost weight and muscle mass due to imbalanced nutrition.

Imbalanced nutrition is less than body requirements related to the inability to digest food or absorb nutrients because of biological, and psychological factors. The patient’s nutritional status will be managed to improve overall health and well-being. 1. Obtain the baseline body measurements like weight, height, etc.

2. Access the general condition of the patients.

3. Evaluate the patient’s dietary habits and perform a nutrition assessment.

4. Encourage the patient to start a food diary.

1. Measurement of height and weight allows for calculating the BMI.

2. To address the health conditions that arise from obesity at the same time.

3. Nutritional assessment provides a baseline and exposes problems that help in the care plan.

The patient’s nutritional status was maintained.

Nursing Care Plan For Imbalanced Nutrition PDF Download

Do you want to download the Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan PDF? – You can do so from the link given below. From this nursing care plan pdf file, you will get the exact idea about the care plan.


Hope this article on Imbalanced Nutrition Nursing Care Plan is helpful for your recent care plan project. If yes, please share it with others and rate our post. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to ask us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

01. What is Imbalanced Nutrition?

Ans: Imbalanced nutrition refers to either nutrition that is more or less than the body’s requirements and metabolic needs.

02. What are the Nutrition Problems?

Ans: There are multiple forms of malnutrition such as overweight, obesity, inadequate vitamins or minerals, etc.

03. What is Another Word For Imbalanced Nutrition?

Ans: Another word for imbalanced nutrition is malnutrition.

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